Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jelly Fish Study_02


  1. interesting stuff. i'm interested to see how it interacts/covers the rest of the volume.

    Its a nice corner condition

  2. the attitude w regards to the environmental situation is interesting, but it is just a bunch of strips, independent from each other and they do not add up to a larger volume yet.
    you have to pretend that the red mass does not exist as such and need to make it yourself with the system you are creating.
    to that extent you would need to calibrate the curvatures of each strip to tectonically acomodate the next strip, focusing on the articulated joint between them, so the system can grow vertically by fiting each band and spooning w the next one.
    even though you ar etrying to obtain a spatial bundle between the components at the moment, you have them too separated and geometrically autonomus from each other.
    need to work on the geometric consistency as a wholistic solution and the interpretation of the organic model you looked at -jelly fish- has to be less literal about the form and more committed to understanding its behaviors and adaptations.
